
I write. I write books and journalism, which can be found here. And I run. So now I’m going to write about running. The trigger was the London Marathon 2014, which I ran to raise money for Seafarers UK, followed by the Edinburgh Half Marathon a month later for Scat Bone Cancer Trust. But also because I spend so much time running, I’ve got things to say about it. Expect updates on my training, but also other things too, about why people run, what it does. Also, there will probably be many posts on running shoes. And on mud. I love mud.



5 Replies to “About”

  1. Ex-seafarer here. Did you ever voyage/write about cruise liners? Apart from “deep sea forgo”? I am about to sail early next month on one. Bad idea?”deep sea”good read full of facts. By the way, i may have interesting /chinese/womens exercise to inform you of. Could you be interested in morale support role/writer on cruise voyage? Modern slant/take. I write longhand poems /stuff. New to keyboard skills*!!!! I h ope to contact Cathryn Summerhayes to phone. Discuss further. This is not a add-promo. I hope to do an appraisal of cruise/health safety etc. None payment. Payed my own fare!No more freighters?Thanxs Steve

  2. Hi Rose, I read your post about 3 Peaks 2017 as I am also entered this year and I am currently having a daily battle in my head which goes something like:
    ‘You’ve got this’
    ‘What the HELL are you thinking?!’
    ‘Just enjoy it’
    ‘You’re going to hate this ‘
    Blah blah blah!!
    I hope you are running this year. I have found your posts emotional, inspirational and very funny.
    Lynn (49! )

  3. To Rose, I’m Caroline Glover from Wharfedale harriers. I was trying to find a GPX file for the Stan Bradshaw round. And found a screen shot from when you did it. Is there any way I could link into your Strava or get a GPX FILE.

    Did you do high cup nick, was a epic day ,

  4. Hi Rose, I stumbled across your article about PEM yesterday, and it was like a Damascene moment!

    I don’t run, dodgy knees from too much basketball, but I use the rowing machine a lot, and I’d regularly do half marathons two or three times a week without any problems, but since having a mild dose of Covid, I have struggled to replicate the distance and times.

    It was just something I blithely considered as work and life stress, as my resting HR had dropped to normal levels, and returned to a normal range one minute after exercising, but I’d feel really fatigued and lethargic for a couple of days afterwards if I pushed it too much.

    Interestingly, I’d see a notable drop off in performance without any real warning. For example halfway through a recent half marathon I had to stop as my breathing was ragged and I just felt unable to continue. It was a fast pace, but not unrealistically fast, so I was blaming lack of mental fortitude, until I read about PEM.

    Thank you for sharing your issues as they have made me refocus my aspirations and conclusions of my training. No more ego dictated decisions of what I used to be able to do only three months ago, and accepting the temporary reality of a Covid restricted programme.

    I’m very grateful that it’s not worse, and if I wasn’t active I probably wouldn’t even notice it, but when being active is such a big part of who you are it’s frustrating when you don’t know what’s going on, or have anyone else who can relate to the issues.

    All the best and thank you again


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